Stay Connected

Youth are the future of families, society and our churches. We believe the decisions made today, help mold their future. With so many voices speaking into the lives of our students through school, television, music, videos, internet, and friends, we hope to be a voice that will help students discern what is best for their lives. We want to help students have a God centered world view that will shape their future. Our goal is to let our students know the importance of real and meaningful relationships that start with Christ and contain a family of believers that they can relate to and share with. We want to be an extension of the student’s family and help in the nurturing of them.

DAYSPRING YOUTH (Grades 6-12th)

Sunday School 9:30-10:30 am— Led by an adult volunteer
Dayspring Youth AM – Sundays 11:00-12:00 pm—Student led worship, ‘crowd breaker’ activities, message by Pastor Alex and small group time. (*Every Sunday except the 1st Sunday of the month. The first Sunday of the month, all students join the adult service in the Worship Center.)
Dayspring Youth PM – Sundays 6:00-7:30 pm—This service begins with ‘Game Time’. Students then break into small groups by grade to read and discuss Biblical text. After small groups, all students join together to hear a message by Pastor Alex. (*First Sunday of the month is ‘Theme Night.’)
Student Small Groups—Wednesdays 7:00-8:15 pm—Students meet for small groups during the school year from Sept.-May. Groups are divided up into girls/guys and Jr./Sr. High. Small groups are a great place to develop close friends, while having another adult invest in students’ lives.
Yearly Events include Youth Camp, Youth Retreat, All-Nighter, Mission Trip, as well as other activities scheduled through out the year.
For more information please email